ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1977 Soviet Constitution

Alright kiddo, back in 1977, the country called Soviet Union had a document called Constitution. It was like a rule book for the country, kinda like how your school has rules that you have to follow.

The Soviet Constitution had some important rules in it, like saying that people had the right to free speech and the freedom to practice their religion. It also said that the Soviet Union was made up of different parts called republics, and they all had their own languages and cultures.

The Constitution also talked about how the government worked. It said that the Soviet Union was a Communist country, which means that the government controlled everything in the country, like businesses and schools. The leader of the country, called the General Secretary, had a lot of power and made a lot of decisions for the whole country.

Overall, the 1977 Soviet Constitution was a document that set out some important rules for the country and how it was run. Some people thought it was a good thing, but others did not like how much power the government had over the people.