ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1979 Greenlandic home rule referendum

When we talk about Greenland, we're talking about a very big island way up in the North near the Arctic Circle. Greenland is actually a part of Denmark, which is a country in Europe. But people in Greenland wanted more control over their own island and how things are run there. So, in 1979, they had a special vote, kind of like when you and your friends vote on what game you want to play at recess.

Now, in this special vote, the people in Greenland were asked if they wanted to have more say in making the rules for their own island. It was like asking them if they wanted to be in charge of their own house, instead of having someone else tell them what to do all the time.

When different countries have referendums like this one, it means that everyone gets a chance to vote and make their own decision. Just like when your class takes a vote and the most popular choice wins. In this referendum, the people of Greenland got to choose whether they wanted more control over their own island or if they wanted things to stay the same, where Denmark made most of the decisions for them.

When the people voted, the majority, which means most of them, said "yes" and they wanted more control over their island. This was a big deal because it meant that Greenland could start making more of its own rules and decisions instead of always following what Denmark said. It's like getting to decide which toys you want to play with or what game you want to play all by yourself, without someone else telling you what to do.

After the vote, Greenland started getting more self-governing powers, which meant they were able to make their own laws and decisions about things like education, healthcare, and natural resources. It's like having your own special set of rules for your room and being able to decide when it's time for bedtime or how you want to organize your toys.

So, the 1979 Greenlandic Home Rule Referendum was a very important moment for the people of Greenland because it allowed them to have more control over their own island and make their own decisions about how things are done. It made them feel more independent and in charge of their own future, just like when you get to make choices for yourself.