ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1987 Transkei coup d'état

Okay, kiddo, this is a story about a group of people who tried to take over a place called Transkei in 1987. Transkei was a small area in South Africa where a different group of people were in charge compared to the rest of the country.

Now, these people who wanted to take over Transkei were not happy with the way things were being run. They planned and plotted to take control of the government by force.

On the day of the coup, they put their plan into action. They tried to sneak into the government buildings and take over. Unfortunately for them, the government was ready for them and fought back.

The people who tried to take over were eventually arrested and punished for what they did. The government also made changes so that something like this wouldn't happen again.

To summarize, some people didn't like how Transkei was being run, so they tried to take over the government by force in 1987. However, they were stopped and punished for what they did.