ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

1989 Soviet Union legislative election

Okay kiddo, so back in 1989, there was a big country called the Soviet Union which was made up of lots of smaller countries. The people who ran the Soviet Union were called the Communist Party, and they decided to have an election to choose who would be part of their Parliament.

Now, the thing is, usually in elections people get to choose who they want to vote for, but in the Soviet Union, things were a bit different. There was only one party allowed to run in the election - the Communist Party. So, people didn't really have much of a choice in who they could vote for.

But, even though there was only one party on the ballot, things were still pretty exciting because it was the first time in many years that people were allowed to vote in a somewhat fair election. Lots of people were hopeful that maybe things would start to change and they would have more say in their government.

On the day of the election, lots of people went out to vote even though it was winter and really cold. The election was held over a few days, and people could vote at different places in their community.

When the votes were counted, it turned out that lots of people had voted for candidates that were not part of the Communist Party. This was a big surprise because usually, the Communist Party won by a landslide in every election. But now, they didn't have as many seats in Parliament as they used to. This was a big deal because it showed that people were starting to want change.

So, even though the Communist Party still held onto power, the 1989 Soviet Union legislative election was an important step towards democracy and more freedom for the people living in the Soviet Union.