ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2 Chronicles 26

2 Chronicles 26 is a story about a king named Uzziah who became king when he was very young. He was a good king and did what was right in the eyes of the Lord.

Uzziah loved God and did many things to show it. He built towers and walls to protect his kingdom and won many battles against his enemies. He also loved farming and had many animals in his fields.

He became very successful and famous, and people came from all over to see him and bring him gifts.

However, Uzziah became proud and thought he could do anything he wanted, even things that were not allowed by God. He tried to burn incense in the temple, which was only supposed to be done by priests, and the priest in charge tried to stop him. But Uzziah became angry and refused to listen to him, and he was struck with leprosy, which is a disease that makes your skin look very bad and can even make you lose your limbs.

Despite his mistake, Uzziah continued to do good things for his kingdom, but he had to live the rest of his life in seclusion because he was no longer allowed to be in public because of his illness.

The story of Uzziah reminds us that we should always be humble and listen to God's laws, even if we become successful and famous.