ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2 Corinthians 1

2 Corinthians is a letter in the Bible that was written by a man named Paul. This letter was written to a group of people in the city of Corinth who had become followers of Jesus.

In this letter, Paul talks about how sometimes life can be really hard and we face problems and challenges that we don't know how to handle. But he says that we can find comfort in God and in the love and support of other people who care about us.

Paul also talks about how he and his friends have faced many difficult situations, but they have trusted in God to help them through it. He calls God the "God of all comfort" and encourages the Corinthians to turn to God when they are struggling.

Finally, Paul talks about how he wants to come visit the Corinthians again and share more about God's love and comfort with them. He hopes that they will continue to grow in their faith and trust in God, just like he has.