ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2 Kings 18

Okay kiddo, so in the Bible, there are stories about different kings who ruled over Israel a long time ago. In 2 Kings 18, we hear about a king named Hezekiah. He was a good king who followed God and did what was right in His eyes.

But there was another king, the king of Assyria, who was not so nice. He did not believe in God and he didn't like it when other people did. He wanted to conquer other lands and make everyone worship him instead.

So, the king of Assyria decided to attack Hezekiah's city, Jerusalem. He sent his army to surround the city and demanded that they surrender. He also sent a message to the people of Jerusalem saying that their God could not save them and that they should just give up.

But Hezekiah didn't listen to the Assyrians. He knew that God was powerful and that He could save the city. So, he prayed to God and asked Him to help them.

And guess what? God answered Hezekiah's prayer! He sent an angel to defeat the Assyrian army and save Jerusalem. The people were saved and they knew that God was the one who had saved them.

So, the lesson we can learn from 2 Kings 18 is that we should always trust in God, even when things seem scary or impossible. He is powerful and He can help us in all situations if we just ask Him.