ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2 Kings 5

In 2 Kings 5, there was a man named Naaman who was very important in his country. But, Naaman had a big problem. He had a terrible skin disease called leprosy that made him feel very sick and uncomfortable.

One day, Naaman heard about a prophet in Israel who could heal people. So, Naaman went to the prophet Elisha's house to get help with his skin disease.

Elisha sent a messenger to Naaman with some instructions. The instructions were to go and bathe seven times in the Jordan River. Naaman was confused and angry because the river wasn't as clean as the rivers in his country.

But, Naaman's servants convinced him to give it a try. Naaman went to the Jordan River and followed Elisha's instructions. When he came out of the water, his skin was completely healed!

Naaman was so grateful that he wanted to give Elisha a present, but Elisha refused to accept it. Naaman then promised to worship the God of Israel from that day on.

So, in 2 Kings 5, we learned about Naaman's faith and how he was healed by following the instructions of the prophet Elisha. We also learned about the power of faith and the importance of trusting in God's plan even if we don't understand it.