Okay kiddo, do you know what money is? It's what we use to buy things we need or want, like toys or food.
Well, in Iceland, the grown-ups who were in charge of the country's money and banks weren't doing a good job. They were being lazy and greedy, and they weren't paying attention to important things.
So, one day, people started to realize that something was wrong. They noticed that the banks were in trouble and many of them couldn't pay back the money they had borrowed. This made people worried and scared because they didn't know what would happen.
As things got worse, people started to take their money out of the banks, which made the banks even more broke. This made things even worse than before.
Eventually, the banks had to ask the government for help, but the government didn't have enough money to help them all. This made the banks go bankrupt, which means they went out of business and couldn't pay anyone back.
This made a lot of people lose their jobs and their homes, and they didn't have enough money to buy the things they needed. It was a very sad time for many people in Iceland.
But don't worry, kiddo, the people in charge learned their lesson and are working hard to make sure it doesn't happen again.