ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2012 Rakhine State riots

In 2012, there were very big fights between two groups of people in an area of Myanmar called Rakhine State. One group of people was called the Buddhists, and the other group was called the Rohingya Muslims. They had problems getting along and didn't like each other.

The problems started when some Rohingya Muslims were accused of hurting and killing some of the Buddhists. This made the Buddhists very angry, and they started attacking the Rohingya Muslims.

The violence got really bad, with both groups hurting and killing people. Lots of homes, buildings, and temples were destroyed, and many people had to leave their homes and become refugees.

The government sent soldiers to try to stop the fighting, but it was very hard to control. People from all over the world heard about what was happening, and they were very worried about the safety of the Rohingya Muslims.

The situation was very confusing and sad, and it went on for a long time. Many people wanted the fighting to stop so that everyone could be safe and happy again.