ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2012 United States presidential election in Missouri

So you know how sometimes you have to choose who gets to be the leader of your group at school? It's kind of like that but for a whole big place called Missouri and it's super important because this leader will be in charge of lots of important things that affect lots of people.

In 2012, all the grown-ups in Missouri got together to vote and choose who they wanted to be the leader of the whole United States. They had two main choices - one person was already the leader and they wanted to keep being in charge, and the other person wanted to be the new leader.

Everyone in Missouri got to vote and they had to choose which person they thought would be the best leader. They had to think about things like who had good ideas for making things better, who was honest and trustworthy, and who they thought would do a good job taking care of everyone.

In the end, the person who was already the leader of the United States got more people in Missouri to vote for him than the other person, so he got to stay being the leader for another 4 years. Lots of people were happy about this, but some people were sad because they wanted the other person to be in charge.

It's all a big part of how a country like the United States works, and it's good to pay attention to these things so you can make your own opinions about who you think should be the leader too!