ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

how does a light bulb work

A light bulb is a special object that produces light when electricity passes through it. It has two parts: a filament and a base. In the base of the light bulb, there are a positive and a negative connection coming from the electricity. The positive connection brings the electricity into the bulb and the negative connection takes it away.

Inside the light bulb is a thin piece of metal called a filament. When the electricity comes into the bulb it flows through the filament, heating it up until it becomes very hot. This heat makes the filament produce light. The hot filament looks like a tiny piece of brightly glowing wire.

As the electricity passes through the filament, the lightbulb gets brighter. When you turn an electric light off, the electricity stops flowing, the filament cools, and the lightbulb stops lighting up.