ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2016 United States House of Representatives elections

Okay kiddo, let's talk about the United States House of Representatives elections that happened in 2016. The House of Representatives is a group of people who work together to make important decisions about the laws that people have to follow all over the United States.

Now, every two years, people who live in different areas of the country get to vote for who they want to represent them in the House of Representatives. This is called an election. In 2016, there were elections all over the country to choose who would be in the House of Representatives for the next two years.

In these elections, each area of the country gets to pick one person to represent them in the House of Representatives. These people are called Representatives. The more people who live in an area, the more Representatives they get. So places with a lot of people, like California, get more Representatives than places with less people, like Wyoming.

In the 2016 House of Representatives elections, all 435 seats (or jobs) were up for grabs. People in each state got to vote for who they wanted to be the Representative from their area. The two main political parties, the Democrats and the Republicans, both had candidates running in these elections.

When people voted, they put either their support to the Democrats or to the Republicans for that particular seat in the election. All the votes across the country were counted up, and we found out which party had won the most seats in the House of Representatives.

The Republicans won the most seats in the 2016 House of Representatives elections, which meant that most Representatives in the House were from the Republican party. This was a big deal because it meant that the Republicans had more power to make decisions than the Democrats in the House of Representatives.

And that's it, kiddo! The 2016 House of Representatives elections were a way for people all over the United States to choose who they wanted to represent them in the House, which makes important decisions that affect all of us.