ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

2017 Canada Day Honours

Okay little buddy, so you know how when you do really good things, like get a good grade or help someone out, your parents might give you a special treat or prize? Well, the people who run Canada do something similar for grown-ups who have done really amazing things to help our country, like working hard or making a big difference in their community.

Every year on Canada Day, which is a special day for us to celebrate our country, a bunch of really important people in Canada put together a list of people who have done awesome things and give them special awards called "honours". These honours can come in different forms, like medals or even fancy titles.

Some of the people who get these honours are famous, like actors or athletes, but most of them are regular people who have done amazing things in their jobs or communities. They might be doctors who have saved lives, teachers who have helped their students learn, or volunteers who have made a big difference by giving their time.

So, the Canada Day Honours are like a special way for Canada to say "thank you" to the people who have made our country a better place in their own special ways!