ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

21st Century King James Version

Okay kiddo, so you know how there are many different versions of the Bible out there, right? Well, the 21st Century King James Version is just one of those versions.

It's called the 21st Century King James Version because it was first published in the 21st century (that's the years 2001 onwards) and it's based on the King James Version, which is a really old version of the Bible that was first published back in 1611.

The 21st Century King James Version is kind of like a modern update of the King James Version. It uses more up-to-date language that people today can understand more easily. But it's still based on the same original text as the King James Version, so the meaning of the text is still the same.

Some people prefer the 21st Century King James Version because it's easier to understand than the old version, but others prefer the older version because they think it's more traditional and classic. Everyone has their own preference, and that's okay!

If you ever want to read the Bible, you can choose which version you want to read. Just remember that no matter which version you choose, it's always important to try to understand what the text means and how it applies to your life.