ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, imagine a ball that has a special property. If you put yourself on the ball and walk in any direction, you will return to where you started, but the space you traveled through may look different. That ball is called a 3-sphere, and it is different from the normal balls you know, which are just circles (2-spheres) or spheres in the air (3D spheres).

To really understand this, let's play a game. Imagine a flat piece of paper, then draw a very small circle in the middle of it. That tiny circle represents a point, like a dot. Now draw a bigger circle around it so that the little circle is in the center of the bigger circle. That bigger circle represents all the places you can go from the point by traveling on the "paper" in a straight line.

But now, let's say that the edges of the paper bend towards each other like the surface of a ball, so that when you try to travel straight from one point to another, you end up back where you started. This is what a 2-sphere looks like, and it can be hard to imagine.

Now, let's add another dimension, like time. Imagine we live in a 4D world where we can travel in three physical dimensions and also in time. We could draw two concentric spheres in our 4D space and say that the smaller sphere represents a point in space and time, and the larger sphere represents all the places we could go from that point by traveling in all directions through space and time.

Just like the 2-sphere, the 3-sphere is a ball that bends back towards itself, but it exists in a 4D space that we can't easily visualize. Mathematicians use lots of fancy equations to study the properties of spheres and other geometric shapes, which can help us understand the fundamental nature of our universe. But for now, just remember that a 3-sphere is a really cool ball that exists in a world we can't see, where space and time are combined in strange and fascinating ways!