ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, so let's talk about a thing called simplex. Imagine you have a bunch of different points in space, and you want to figure out the best way to connect them all together. That's where simplex comes in!

A simplex is like a shape that you can make by connecting some of these points together. You can think of it as like drawing lines between some dots. But it's not just any old shape - it's a special shape that has a few rules.

First, it has to be kind of like a triangle, but not always. So it could have three points, or four points, or even more. But it can't be a line or a square or a circle.

Second, all the points that are connected by the lines have to be like neighbors - they have to be as close to each other as possible.

And third, there can't be any other point nearby that's not already connected to the simplex.

Now you might be wondering, what's the point of creating these simplex shapes? Well, it turns out that they can help us solve all kinds of problems! For example, if we have a bunch of data points and we want to find the best way to fit a line or curve to them, we can use simplex to figure out the best parameters for our model.

Or if we want to find the shortest path between two points on a map with a bunch of intersections and obstacles, we can use simplex to help us find the way.

So even though simplex is a fancy word, it's really just a way of connecting points together in a special way that can help us solve problems. Pretty neat, huh?