ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


A hypersimplex is a special kind of shape, like a triangle or a square, but with more sides and corners. Imagine if you took a really big piece of paper and drew lots and lots of dots on it. Then, you connected all the dots with lines to make lots of shapes with corners. One of those shapes might be a triangle or a square, but a hypersimplex would have even more corners and sides.

To understand it better, think of a two-dimensional shape like a square. It has four sides and four corners. But if you wanted to make a three-dimensional shape, like a cube, you would need even more sides and corners. A cube has six sides and eight corners. A hypersimplex takes this idea to an even higher level, with lots and lots of sides and corners that are all connected to each other.

Mathematicians use hypersimplexes to study really complicated things like fractals and geometry in higher dimensions. They can also be used in computer science and physics to help understand how things move and change over time. While it might sound really complicated, hypersimplexes are just another way that smart people use math to help solve problems and learn more about the world around them.