ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

53 equal temperament

Okay buddy, so you know how when you play a piano or guitar, there are different notes that make different sounds? And there are 12 different notes that you can play, called the "chromatic scale"?

Well, 53 equal temperament is a way of dividing up that chromatic scale even more finely! Instead of just having 12 notes in an octave, there are now 53 notes that are equally spaced apart.

This means that when you play music in this system, you can have more subtle variations in pitch and sound, which can create a really cool and unique sound. Some people might like the way it sounds better than the standard 12-note system!

But, it's also a bit more complex to play in this system since you have to remember where all the new notes are and how they fit into the music. So, it might take some extra practice to get really good at playing music in 53 equal temperament.