ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

A Dictionary of Musical Themes

Imagine you have a very big book that has a lot of words in it. It is called a dictionary. A dictionary of musical themes is like that big book but for music. In this book, you can find different musical themes, which are like the building blocks of songs.

Just like how you can use different Lego bricks to build different things, musicians use different musical themes to build different songs. For example, there might be a theme that sounds happy and bouncy, and another theme that sounds sad and slow.

The dictionary of musical themes helps musicians remember these themes so they can use them to create new music. If a musician is stuck and doesn't know what to play next in their song, they can look in the dictionary and find a theme that might fit.

It's like having a secret treasure map that helps you find things you've lost or forgot. The musical themes dictionary helps musicians remember and find the perfect musical notes to fit the right song.