ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

A Protocol of 1919

Okay, let's talk about a protocol from 1919. A protocol is like a set of rules that people agree to follow. Think of it like a game where everyone has to follow the same rules in order to play together.

This particular protocol was created in the year 1919. That's a really long time ago - way before you were born! It was created by important people from different countries who wanted to work together to solve problems and prevent future wars.

They made this protocol to help countries talk to each other and solve problems peacefully instead of fighting each other. They decided that if two or more countries have a problem, they will get together and talk about it. This way, they can avoid getting into a fight or a war.

The protocol also set up an organization called the League of Nations. This organization was like a big group of countries that would help each other out and talk about ways to keep the peace. The countries would work together to help each other, like when you and your friends help each other finish a project at school.

So, in summary, the protocol of 1919 was like a set of rules to help countries talk to each other and avoid fighting. The League of Nations was created as a way for countries to work together and help each other. It was made a long time ago, but the idea of working together and solving problems peacefully is still important today!