ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

A picture is worth a thousand words

Have you ever looked at a big book with lots of words and no pictures? Sometimes it can be hard to understand what's going on or what the words mean. But, have you ever looked at a picture in a book or on a screen and understood what's going on without reading anything? That's because pictures can show us things in a way that words can't always do.

Now, some people say that a really good picture can tell you as much as a whole bunch of words, even if there are a thousand of them! So instead of having to read a whole bunch of words, you can just look at one big picture and understand what it means right away. That's what people mean when they say "a picture is worth a thousand words."

Pictures can help us understand things better, even if we don't know what all the words mean. For example, if you see a picture of a cat chasing a mouse, you know what's happening without anyone having to tell you. You can see the cat's claws and teeth, and you can see the mouse running away. You don't have to read any words to understand.

So, sometimes pictures can be more helpful than words when we want to understand something quickly or when we want to show someone else what something looks like. That's why lots of books and websites use lots of pictures - because they can help us learn and understand things better!
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