ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


AFGROW is a computer program that helps people make airplanes safer by predicting how they will behave when they are being used. You know how when you play with a toy plane, you can make it go up, down, left, and right? Well, real airplanes do that too, but they also go really fast and really high. When airplanes are designed, engineers use math and science to figure out how they will fly and how they will hold up over time. AFGROW is a tool that helps engineers check their math and see if their airplane designs will work like they think they will. It can also help them figure out which parts of the airplane might break or wear down faster than others, so they can fix those parts before there are any problems. Basically, AFGROW is like a really smart robot that helps humans design planes that are strong, safe, and can fly really far.