ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETCs)

AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETCs) are places where grown-ups go to learn how to stop a sickness called AIDS from spreading. AIDS is a very dangerous sickness that can make people very sick and it can even make them die. That's why it's very important for people who work in healthcare or who help take care of sick people to learn how to stop AIDS from spreading.

At the AETCs, grown-ups learn all about AIDS - what it is, how it spreads, and how it can be treated. AETCs have teachers who are very smart about AIDS and they help the grown-ups learn everything they need to know. They teach the grown-ups how to use medicines to treat AIDS, how to take care of people who have AIDS, and how to keep other people from getting sick.

AETCs also have really cool tools that the grown-ups can use to practice what they've learned. For example, they might have big mannequins that look like sick people that the grown-ups can practice taking care of. They might also have special gloves and masks that the grown-ups can wear to protect themselves and others from getting sick.

The most important thing that the grown-ups learn at the AETCs is how to be safe and healthy, and how to help other people be safe and healthy too. That way, they can do their jobs better and help make sure that everyone is protected from AIDS.