ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


ANSI C is like a special language that helps computers talk to people like us.

Imagine if you were talking to someone who only spoke Spanish and you only knew English. It would be hard to communicate, right? ANSI C is a language that both computers and people can understand, like a translator. It helps us tell the computer what to do and then it does it for us!

Let's pretend that we're telling the computer what to do using ANSI C. We might say: "Hey computer, add 5 to 2 and tell us the answer."

In ANSI C, that would look like this:

int num1 = 5;
int num2 = 2;
int answer = num1 + num2;

What we just did there was create "variables" (like boxes that we can put numbers into) called "num1" and "num2". We put the numbers 5 and 2 into those boxes. Then we added the two numbers together using the + sign and put the answer into another box called "answer".

Now, if we want to see the answer, we can tell the computer to "print" it out for us:

printf("The answer is %d", answer);

And the computer will show us the answer on the screen!

ANSI C is a really important language because a lot of other languages were based on it. So if you learn ANSI C, you can use that knowledge to learn other languages too!