ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

ASEAN summit

Ok, kiddo. Do you know what a club is where you can invite your friends to hang out and play games together? Well, the ASEAN Summit is kind of like a club where leaders from different countries in Southeast Asia get together to discuss important things and make decisions.

This club is made up of 10 countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Each country has its own leader or president, and they all come together at the ASEAN Summit to talk about things that affect everyone in Southeast Asia.

They might talk about how to help their countries work together better, like helping each other out in times of trouble. They also might talk about how to protect the environment or how to make trade fairer between their countries.

Overall, the ASEAN Summit is an important meeting that helps leaders from different Southeast Asian countries work together and make decisions that can improve their lives and the lives of people in their countries.