ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Atascii is a type of code used to represent letters, numbers and symbols on old computers like the Atari. Think of it like a secret code that only these computers can understand.

Atascii uses a specific set of numbers to represent each letter, number or symbol. For example, the number 65 represents the letter "A", and the number 48 represents the number "0".

When you type on the keyboard of an old Atari computer, it uses Atascii to turn the letter, number or symbol you typed into a number. Then, the computer uses that number to display the correct letter, number or symbol on the screen.

Atascii is important because it allowed these old computers to communicate with us using language we could understand. Nowadays, computers use different codes to represent letters, numbers and symbols, but Atascii was an important part of computing history.