ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aarne Juutilainen

Aarne Juutilainen is a person. Just like how you have a name, he has a name too. Aarne is a man who has done some really cool things. He is from Finland which is a country far away from here.

Aarne is a very smart person who has studied a lot about things called algorithms. Algorithms are like recipes for computers. They tell the computer what to do to solve a problem or complete a task. Aarne has made some cool algorithms that help computers do some really neat things.

One of the most famous algorithms that Aarne made is called "A*". This algorithm helps computers find the shortest path between two places on a map. So if you needed to find the fastest way to get from your house to the park, the "A*" algorithm could help you figure it out.

Aarne also likes to play video games, just like you might like to play video games. He especially likes a type of game called a "roguelike". In these games, you play as a character trying to navigate through a maze or dungeon. The game is different every time you play, so it's always a new challenge. Aarne has made some really good roguelike games that people all over the world enjoy playing.

In conclusion, Aarne Juutilainen is a clever man who has made some really cool computer algorithms and video games. He's from Finland and likes to play games just like you!