ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Abdu Ali al Haji Sharqawi

Abdu Ali Al Haji Sharqawi is a person who has a very long name, just like you might have a first name and a last name. He is also known by another name - "Mukhtar Al-Tawfiq".

Mukhtar Al-Tawfiq is a man who was born in Yemen a long time ago. He grew up to be a very important person in a group called Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda is a group of people who want to fight against the United States and other countries that they think are their enemies.

Mukhtar Al-Tawfiq is not a good person. He did many bad things, such as planning and participating in terrorist attacks. These attacks hurt people and caused a lot of damage.

Because of his bad actions, many countries wanted to catch him and put him in jail. They believed he was a danger to society and needed to be stopped.

Eventually, Mukhtar Al-Tawfiq was caught by the United States and put in a special jail called Guantanamo Bay. This jail is on a military base in Cuba and is very well guarded.

Now, Mukhtar Al-Tawfiq is still in jail and cannot hurt anyone else. This is a good thing because people should not be allowed to hurt others.