ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Abhimanyu is a character in a story from long ago called the Mahabharata, which is a very famous Indian epic. Abhimanyu was a prince and he was really brave. He was the son of Arjuna, who was one of the greatest warriors of all time.

One time, there was a huge battle going on, and Abhimanyu's side was fighting against the bad guys. Abhimanyu was still really young and didn't know all the tricks of war yet, but he was very smart and he knew how to fight well.

The bad guys had made a special formation with their soldiers called the "Chakravyuh" which was like a big circle to keep the enemies out. This was a really tricky formation and even the smartest warriors could not break through it. Abhimanyu's side did not know how to break through it either, but Abhimanyu remembered the directions his dad, Arjuna, had given him.

So with bravery and courage, Abhimanyu broke through the formation, defeating many soldiers in the process. But he didn't know how to get back out and unfortunately, the bad guys attacked him from all sides and he was killed.

Even though Abhimanyu's life was cut short, he is remembered even today for his bravery and determination. He remains a hero, and his story teaches us important lessons about staying brave and fighting for what we believe in.