ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Aboriginal history of Western Australia

Hi there! Today, we're going to talk about the history of the Aboriginal people who lived in Western Australia a long, long time ago. So let's get started!

The Aboriginal people of Western Australia have been living there for tens of thousands of years, even before the British explorers arrived. They were skilled hunters and gatherers who knew the land and the animals in it very well. They used stone tools and weapons to hunt and gather food and resources.

They had their own unique cultures and traditions, with different language groups and customs depending on where they lived. There were several different Aboriginal groups across Western Australia, each with their own unique lifestyles and beliefs.

But things changed when the British arrived in the late 1700s. They wanted to explore and settle in new lands and eventually arrived in Western Australia. They started claiming land and resources that had belonged to the Aboriginal people for thousands of years.

The British often treated the Aboriginal people poorly, taking away their resources and land without asking permission. This made life difficult for the Aboriginal people, who struggled to survive without their traditional resources. Along with this, European diseases wiped out many Aboriginal people who had no immunity to these illnesses.

Despite all these challenges, the Aboriginal people of Western Australia continued to maintain their cultures and traditions. Today, there are many Aboriginal communities in Western Australia who are proud of their heritage and work to keep their traditions and languages alive.

So that's a very brief explanation of the Aboriginal history of Western Australia!