ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Abortion in Iran

Abortion is when a woman decides to end her pregnancy before the baby is born. In Iran, abortion is legal in certain circumstances. These circumstances are when the mother's life is in danger, the baby has severe abnormalities, or the pregnancy was a result of rape.

If a woman wants an abortion, she must go to a doctor or a medical clinic. The doctor will ask her some questions to determine if she meets the requirements to have an abortion. If she does, the doctor will perform the abortion.

It's important to note that abortion is not widely accepted in Iran. Some people believe that abortion is wrong because they think it goes against God's will. This means that women who want to get an abortion may face criticism or judgment from others.

In addition, Iran's government has strict rules around sex outside of marriage, and getting pregnant outside of marriage is considered illegal. This means that some women may choose to get an abortion if they get pregnant outside of marriage to avoid punishment from the government.

Overall, abortion in Iran is legal in certain circumstances, but there may be societal and legal consequences for women who decide to have an abortion.