ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

About the Mystery of the Letters

As you know, every time we write a word, we use letters. But sometimes, letters can be really tricky and mysterious, especially when they don't make the sounds we expect them to make.

For example, think of the letter "C". Sometimes it says "k" like in the word "cat", but sometimes it says "s" like in the word "cent". Isn't that confusing? And what about the letter "Q"? It always needs a "U" next to it to make a sound, like in the word "queen".

This is because letters like to play games and change their sounds depending on the other letters they are with. They have their own rules and special tricks they like to use. For instance, the letter "G" can sound like a "j" when it's next to an "e", an "i" or a "y", but it sounds like a "g" when it's next to an "a", an "o", or a "u".

But don't worry, just like with any game, the more you practice, the easier it becomes. And soon, you'll be a master at decoding the mystery of the letters!