ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Abstinence-only sex education

Abstinence-only sex education means teaching people, usually teenagers, that the best way to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is to not have sex at all. It is like telling someone that the best way to avoid getting hurt on a rollercoaster is to not go on one.

This type of sex education does not talk about birth control or how to use condoms, as they believe that talking about these things might encourage young people to have sex. They only teach that the act of sex should be saved for marriage and that it is the only way to avoid STIs and pregnancy completely.

However, this type of education may not always be effective, as young people may still choose to engage in sexual activities. Without proper knowledge of birth control, they may not know how to protect themselves from unintended pregnancies and STIs.

Overall, while abstinence-only sex education focuses only on abstinence as a way to avoid STIs and pregnancy, it may not be the most effective way to help young people stay safe and make informed choices about their sexual health.