ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Abstract Wikipedia

Okay kiddo, so you know what Wikipedia is right? It's a big website where you can go to read stuff about all sorts of things like animals, planets, and even cartoons. Now, sometimes it can be hard to understand what you're reading because the words are too big and complicated, right? Well, that's where something called "abstract Wikipedia" comes in.

Imagine you have a big book that tells you all about the animals in the world. But instead of giving you long paragraphs with fancy words, it just gives you little summaries that tell you the most important information about each animal. That's kind of what abstract Wikipedia does - it takes all the information from regular Wikipedia and simplifies it into shorter, easier-to-understand summaries.

Now, you might be wondering why anyone would want to do this. Well, some people might have a hard time reading really big, complicated articles on Wikipedia, maybe because they're still learning to read or because they don't speak English very well. Abstract Wikipedia can help those people understand what they're reading without getting too overwhelmed. It can also make it easier for computers and robots to understand Wikipedia articles too!

So yeah, that's basically what abstract Wikipedia is - a simpler, more condensed version of regular Wikipedia that helps people and machines understand information better. Pretty cool, huh?