ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Abstraction layer

Imagine you have a toy box with lots of toys inside. Each toy has a certain way of being played with, and you need to know how to use them in order to have fun with them. But the toy box can be really complicated, with lots of different toys that all work in different ways.

An abstraction layer is like a grown-up helper who can take all of the toys out of the box and organize them for you. They'll put all the toys that work the same way in one group, and then explain to you how to use them all together. This makes it a lot easier for you to play with your toys and have fun.

In the world of computers, an abstraction layer is a similar idea. When different computer programs or devices need to communicate with each other, they often use different "languages" or instructions. But an abstraction layer can act as a translator, taking all of those different languages and turning them into something that everyone can understand.

So instead of different programs and devices having to figure out how to talk to each other, they can just communicate through the abstraction layer. This makes it a lot easier for them to work together, even if they're designed by different people using different technologies.

Overall, abstraction layers are like magic helpers that make it easier for things that might not normally work together to actually get along and do their jobs.