ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Academic paper

Okay kiddo, have you ever drawn a picture or colored a coloring book page? Well, academic papers are kind of like big kid versions of that.

But instead of drawing or coloring, grown-ups write about important things they have studied or researched. They write these papers to share their findings with other grown-ups and talk about what they discovered.

These papers can be about a lot of things like science, history, or even how people use technology. Sometimes, they are even used by teachers to help their students learn more about a topic.

Just like how you need crayons or markers to make your art, these grown-ups use big words and ideas to create their papers. And just like how you feel proud when you finish your picture, these grown-ups feel happy when their work is published and other people can read it and learn from it.

Hope that helps, kiddo!