ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Access to knowledge movement

The Access to Knowledge Movement is about making sure that everyone has access to information and knowledge. Just like how you can learn new things by reading books or talking to people, there are lots of ways to find information and learn new things online, too.

But not everyone has easy access to the internet or to the information they need. Some people live in places where there aren't many libraries or schools that have lots of books or computers. And even if they do have access, they might not be able to afford to buy books or pay for internet access.

The Access to Knowledge Movement is trying to change that. They want to make sure that everyone can have access to the information they need to learn and grow. That means making sure that books and other media are easily accessible and affordable for everyone, and that internet access is available in more places.

This is important because when people have access to knowledge, they can learn new skills, come up with new ideas, and solve problems in their own communities. It's all about making sure that everyone has the chance to learn and grow, no matter where they come from or how much money they have.