ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Accredited specialist solicitor (Australia)

An accredited specialist solicitor is like a big kid who is really good at playing a specific game. They have spent lots of time practicing and learning all the rules, and now they are an expert!

To become an accredited specialist solicitor in Australia, a lawyer needs to do lots of extra studying and take special tests to show they know everything about one specific area of law. It's like if you were really good at playing a specific sport or game, and you wanted to become a champion.

When a lawyer becomes an accredited specialist solicitor, they are recognized as an expert in that specific area of law. So if someone has a problem in that area of law, they can go to an accredited specialist solicitor and be confident that they are getting the best possible help. It's like if you were really good at that game or sport, people would come to you for help and advice too!

Overall, an accredited specialist solicitor is like a really smart and experienced lawyer who is a champion in one specific area of law. They are the best of the best, and people go to them for help when they need it!