ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Accretion-powered pulsar

Ok kiddo, so there are these things called pulsars that are like really fast spinning stars. And some of them are accretion-powered, which means they get energy from stuff falling into them.

Imagine you have a big bowl and you start pouring in cereal. The cereal falls into the bowl and starts to pile up on top of each other, right? Same thing happens with the pulsar. Gas falls into it from another star that's nearby and starts to pile up on the surface.

Now, here's where it gets really cool. As more and more gas falls onto the pulsar's surface, it gets hotter and hotter. And when it gets really hot, it starts to glow and shoot out beams of really strong light and radio waves. It's like when you rub your hands together really fast and they get warm, except on a much bigger scale.

So that's what an accretion-powered pulsar is! A fast-spinning star that gets energy from stuff falling into it and shoots out beams of light and radio waves. Pretty neat, huh?
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