ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Acoustic cleaning

Acoustic cleaning is a way to clean things using sound waves. Imagine you have a toy block tower that is covered in dirt and it's your favorite toy. Your Mom wants to clean it but if she uses water and soap, it may damage or break your toy. Acoustic cleaning doesn't require water or soap.

Here's how it works: You know how when you clap your hands really hard, you can feel the sound waves in your hands? That's because sound waves move through the air and create pressure. In acoustic cleaning, we use really powerful sound waves that vibrate really fast, and they create pressure that can get rid of dirt and other things that are stuck.

Now, your Mom would take your dirty toy tower and put it in a special machine that would send these sound waves to it. The sound vibrations would create pressure waves that would hit the surface of the toy tower really hard. These waves are like tiny explosions that can shake and loosen the dirt and dust from the toy tower's surface.

Acoustic cleaning is used to clean different things like wind turbines or factories, where dirt and dust can build up and make them work less well. They use these special machines that create really powerful sound waves to clean all sorts of things.
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