ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Action at Lanark

Okay, so imagine you're going to play with your friends at the park. You all have different toys that you like to play with, right? Well, sometimes there are disagreements about what games to play or which toys to use.

Now, imagine that instead of toys, your friends are adults who are in charge of managing an important job - let's say it's running a town. These adults also have different opinions on how things should be done in the town.

That's sort of what happened in a place called Lanark back in the 1800s. There were these two groups of adults who had different ideas about how the town should be run. One group was called the Radicals, and they wanted to make big changes to the way things were done. The other group was called the Nonconformists, and they didn't like the idea of the Radicals changing things too much.

One day, the Radicals decided to have a big meeting in Lanark to talk about the changes they wanted to make. They expected that a lot of people would show up to hear them out and support their ideas. But the Nonconformists didn't want this meeting to happen. They thought it would cause too much trouble and that the Radicals were being too pushy.

So the Nonconformists sent some people to Lanark to try and stop the meeting from happening. Things got pretty heated, and eventually, a group of soldiers were called in to help keep the peace. These soldiers ended up using their guns to fire on the crowd of people gathered for the meeting.

The whole situation was very scary and violent. Some people got hurt, and it took a long time for things to calm down. In the end, the Nonconformists got their way, and the Radicals didn't get to hold their meeting. But both groups learned that it's important to listen to each other and try to find a compromise instead of resorting to violence.