ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ad blocking

Have you ever watched a TV show and noticed that there are some commercials in between the show? Those commercials are there to sell you things. Similarly, when you visit a website or use an app, you may see some ads. These ads are there for the same reason, to sell you things.

Sometimes these ads can be annoying or distracting from what you are trying to do on the website or app. Ad blocking is like turning off the TV during commercials. It is a tool that you can use to stop these ads from showing up on your screen.

When you use an ad blocker, it is like putting on special glasses that can see the website or app without the ads. Think of it as a way to make the internet a more enjoyable and less annoying place.

There are many different types of ad blockers, but they all do the same thing: they stop the ads from appearing on your screen. Some ad blockers are apps that you can download on your phone or computer, while others are built into your web browser.

Ad blocking is a controversial topic because some people believe that ads are necessary to keep websites and apps running. However, others argue that ads can be intrusive and a privacy risk, as they often track your online behavior.

Overall, ad blocking is a tool that you can use to have a better online experience. Just like turning off the TV during commercials, ad blocking lets you focus on what you want to do without being interrupted by ads.