Hi there! Do you know what the internet is? It's a place where you can find lots of information, games, videos, and everything you need for your homework. But did you know that when you use the internet, there are people and companies that can follow what you are doing? This is called internet tracking.
Internet tracking is like a spy that watches what you do on the internet. The spy can see which websites you visit, what you search for, and even which videos you watch. Sometimes, the spy can even know your name, your address, and your phone number!
But don't worry! There are ways you can protect yourself from internet tracking. You can use a special tool called a privacy browser that helps to hide what you do on the internet. You can also change the settings on your computer or phone to block spy cookies, which are little bits of information that let the spy know who you are.
So now you know that there are people who can follow what you do on the internet, but you also know how to protect yourself from internet tracking. Remember, always be safe on the internet and never give away your personal information to strangers!