ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ad hominem

Imagine you and your friend are arguing about sharing a toy. Instead of talking about why they should share the toy, your friend starts saying mean things about you, like "you're a selfish brat" or "you never share anything." That's kind of like ad hominem.

Ad hominem is when someone attacks the person making an argument instead of actually addressing the argument itself. It's not fair to attack someone just because you don't agree with them. It's important to focus on the actual point they're making and respond to that, not try to insult them to make yourself look better.

It's like if you were playing a game of basketball and your friend suggested a different way to play the game. Instead of responding to their suggestion with reasons why it might not work, you start talking about how bad they are at basketball, saying things like "you can't even make a shot" or "you don't understand anything about the game". That's ad hominem too.

So remember, it's important to focus on the actual argument being made instead of trying to attack the person making it.