ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Adams filtration

Adams filtration is a special method that helps us understand how things change over time. Imagine you have a big container of water and you put different things in it, like dirt or toys. The water gets all mixed up and it becomes hard to see the things you put in.

Now, imagine you want to understand how the water changes over time. You cannot see the changes because the water is all messy. So, what you can do is use a strainer or sieve to separate the things in the water. The strainer has tiny holes, but the water can go through while the dirt and toys get stuck.

Adams filtration is kind of like that strainer. It helps us separate the messy water and focus on the changes happening in it. Instead of dirt and toys, we use numbers or mathematical things to understand the changes. The filtration has different levels, like layers of a cake, and we can look at each layer to understand what is happening.

This filtration is very useful because it takes complex things and breaks them down into smaller and simpler parts. This makes it easier for us to understand how things change over time. We can see how patterns form, how things grow, or even how things get smaller.

So, just like using a strainer helps us separate things in the water, Adams filtration helps us separate and understand the changes happening in the messy world of numbers and mathematics.