ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Administration (law)

Administraion in law means that there are certain people or organizations that are responsible for making sure that all the rules and laws are being followed by everyone. Think of it like a grown-up who has to make sure that all the kids in a classroom are behaving properly.

These administrators have special powers and responsibilities to carry out their duties. They can make decisions, give orders, and enforce rules to make sure that everything is fair and everyone is safe.

They also have to follow their own set of rules and procedures to make sure they are being fair themselves. They have to listen to people who might be affected by their decisions and make sure that their decisions are based on good reasons and evidence.

So, administration in law is all about making sure that everyone follows the rules and that the people who are in charge are doing a good job. It's kind of like having a big boss who makes sure everyone is doing their job correctly.