ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Administrative divisions of Mayotte

Mayotte is a group of islands that belongs to France. This means that the French government is in charge of making decisions and keeping things organized on the islands.

Now, in order for the French government to do a good job, they need to have things divided up into smaller parts. These smaller parts are called administrative divisions.

There are two main types of administrative divisions in Mayotte: communes and cantons.

Communes are like little towns or cities. They have elected officials called mayors who are in charge of making sure things run smoothly in their commune. Each commune has its own set of rules and regulations that everyone who lives there has to follow.

Cantons are like bigger areas that contain multiple communes. They also have their own elected officials who work together to make decisions for the canton.

Together, the communes and cantons help the French government keep Mayotte organized and running smoothly. They make sure everyone has what they need and that things are fair and just for everyone on the islands.