ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Adobe RoboHelp

Adobe RoboHelp is a computer program that helps people create documents called "help" files. These help files are like instruction manuals that tell you how to use things like software programs or appliances.

Imagine you wanted to learn how to use a new toy or a computer program, but you didn't know anything about it. You might feel overwhelmed and confused. That's where Adobe RoboHelp comes in! It helps create a special document that explains everything you need to know step-by-step, so you won't get lost.

Using Adobe RoboHelp, you can add pictures, videos, and even quizzes to make it more fun and interactive. And the best part is, once you create a help file using Adobe RoboHelp, you can share it with other people who also need help.

So, instead of feeling frustrated and confused, you can use Adobe RoboHelp to create a helpful guide that can help you and other people easily understand and use something new!