ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Adolescent sexuality in Canada

Adolescent sexuality in Canada means when teenagers start to feel sexual feelings and attractions towards other people. This usually starts around puberty when their bodies go through changes, like growing hair and developing breasts or muscles, and they start to feel new emotions and interests. It's important to know that sexuality is a natural part of human development and everyone experiences it differently.

Canada has laws that protect and promote healthy sexual development for young people. Teenagers have the right to make their own decisions about their bodies and sexual health as long as they are safe and consensual. This means that they can choose to have sex or not, and they can choose who they have sex with. However, it is illegal for anyone under 16 years old to have sex with someone who is 16 years old or older. This is because younger people are usually not ready to make such decisions and are more vulnerable to exploitation.

It's also important for teenagers to know that they can talk to trusted adults, like parents, teachers, or healthcare professionals, about their sexual feelings and concerns. They can get information about safe sex practices, contraception, and sexually transmitted infections. They can also get guidance on healthy relationships and consent.

Overall, adolescent sexuality in Canada is about teenagers exploring and understanding their own sexuality and sexual relationships in a safe and healthy way, with the support and guidance of trusted adults and appropriate laws and policies.